Breakup and Divorce Coaching

Suffering break up pain?
Time to move on from

a toxic relationship and
reinvent yourself?

As Your Breakup and Divorce Coaches, we will help you feel whole again, with compassionate, non-judgmental support and extraordinary tools to heal from your breakup, inside and out.

Your Breakup and Divorce Recovery Journey Awaits

We've been there. Like you, we've gone through the pain of breakups and divorce. We've felt the hurt, disappointment and confusion that breakups leave behind. We've cycled through the same whirlwind of emotions and worries over the future that you're probably feeling right now.

Perhaps you are going from sleepless nights to exhausted days. Hearing negative voices inside and out. Suffering through inner and outer attacks that trample self-worth. Believing your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, and rejection will never end. Envisioning a bleak future and feeling helpless to change it. We get it.

The good news is ... you won't always feel that way. Your happy future is waiting for you to claim it. We know because we've done it ourselves! And so have thousands of others who used our Extraordinary Self Programs and tools to reinvent their inner and outer worlds for more satisfaction and success.

You truly can leave your pain behind and learn to love yourself again. Once you learn how, you will enjoy life much more. You will be ready for healthy future relationships (if you so choose) - especially your relationship with yourself. Let's make that happen - together!

Join us in this powerful Extraordinary Self Breakup and Divorce Recovery Program to restore your self-confidence and zest for life. Move with us into the satisfying future you want and deserve! When you're ready, we will guide you and provide close-in support every step of the way. Check out our Program.

Who We Are

We are marital, breakup and divorce recovery coaches who have helped thousands of people enjoy more fulfilling lives, relationships and careers. Through our work, we discovered the secret of individuals we call Extraordinary Selves. These people learned that the key to outer success is inner change. We are experts at facilitating extraordinary change for greater fulfillment inside and out. We can help you let go of breakup distress and create the extraordinary life you deserve. Learn more >

How We Help

We foster and facilitate change by providing a safe container for you to heal from a breakup. We'll help you reconnect with your authentic self through our tailor-made reinvention process. We will guide you to a new self-concept, self-love, self-compassion, self-respect and self worth. Working with us, you will develop new skills, liberating beliefs, and a mindset shift for deeper confidence, extraordinary personal growth, success, and ongoing fulfillment. Learn more >

About Our Programs

Drawing on tools from Psychology, Neuroscience, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), and Mindfulness Practices, our Breakup and Divorce Recovery Programs include 10 Coaching Modules in Group or Private sessions, or via Self-Study. After a Discovery Session focused on your custom Blueprint for Change, our Year-Long Program is delivered over 16 weeks, followed by live monthly coaching sessions for reinforcement, troubleshooting. and support. Learn more >

A Little About Us

Dr. Diane (Kramer) is a long-time breakup recovery and relationship coach, psychologist, divorce mediator, author and marriage counselor. Dr. Diane brings insight, wisdom, warmth, and powerful tools to help her clients recover from toxic and painful relationships with self and/or other - in personal life and business. She teaches the mind set, skill set and action set for clients to feel continually self-loving and powerful while reaching success goals time-after-time in all areas of their lives. Learn more >

Donna (Anselmo) M.S. helps women navigate relationship issues and breakups through empathetic coaching with goal-oriented support. Specializing in hypnotherapy and mindfulness, Donna's wisdom, compassion, insight, and powerful tools help clients recover from painful relationships with themselves and with others. She leads clients step-by-step to successful and rewarding lives in the areas of relationships, career, business, and personal life.

Learn more >

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John Doe

John Doe

John Doe

John Doe

Rise from the Ashes!

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